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Posted by FurryFox - February 21st, 2012

There are things I hate about this group. For starters mostly all of them are creepy. all that * MURRRRR~* stuff is fucking annoying. converse between yourselves with it. It's annoying seeing furries have online sex convo's for everyone to see.

Secondly, most of them can't budget money. Heck I even know a guy who is unemployed and actually still buys furry porn of his murrsonas at like $100/ea! I've even saw him asking people to buy art of his characters because *they're my sonas and you should buy me gift art of them* The sad part is...THEY DO!
Next is the fursuits. God these things give me nightmares. Why spend over $1000 on a suit to wear at some furry convention for one day and pack it away until the next one? Even worse are the ones that actually try to have sex in them! It's fucking wrong and disgusting.
There is also those who LOVE to cause drama. Most of that drama comes from the one who are jealous of the *popular* furries who spend thousands of bucks on furry porn. Not only that they also make real life assumptions of you when you post your murrsona being banged by someone elses murrsona. A picture is just a picture. If your making stupid assumptions like that then you clearly need to go outside more.
Lastly those who actually try to have sex with REAL ANIMALS! You disgust me greatly. You're everything bad in this world. You're so socially awkward that you can't get a boy/girlfriend. You go as far to take pictures of your horrifying acts of bestiality and post them on the internet. Yet you can't figure out why everyone hates your guts. You're the main reason furries are given the bad reputation they got.

God I hate being assorted with you people some times. Why does it feel like I'm the only normal one a part of this thing?


As long as theres some chicks within a category its alright. Unfortunately the creepy dudes outweigh them immensly.
I've seen at least one fursuit yiff video that was pretty hot.

There is no such thing as hot fursuit yiffing.

It was just very passionate and the suits weren't poorly crafted.

Lots of the suits are not poorly crafted, heck lots of them are made from very expensive materials.

I'm just lucky in a way I can find rare awesomness in typically awful things. Or unlucky as Ill never find anything else similar.

And irl yiff is always hot. That's why all you can hear is fans blowing.

I would say unlucky.

Also wut?

The suits are hot inside. Get it?

I do now :D

I think the furries are cool and all for fun and theyre mostly pretty nice people. I'm only in it for the yiff art. So you know where I'm at in this. The roleplaying is fucking creepy but an attractive woman wearing paws/ears/tail is a turn on.

So were some-what the same then. Cool!

All fandoms have the people that are goddamn weird. And the media seems to excel at finding them over the more normal ones.

*HURR this one guy is fucking weird but lets say their all weird so we can make money and ruin their image*
Seems right to me.

And that's how TLC is still clinging to life!

Also, I heard they are going to feast on the newly created brony community with a special episode of "My Strange Addiction". Seriously. I'm not so sure I'm happy about telling my parents I'm a brony, because they'll probably see it if it comes out.

Also, I better get my message out to my school before the media fucks the bronies over.

Not surprised by this one bit.

-Most people doing it publicly are trolls or joking. The rest, big deal they're into exhibitionism.

-A lot of people can't budget money well, that usually comes with age. But it's also comforting to people in those sorts of situations to continue their normal life and in doing so dull their anxiety.

-What's so wrong with gifting porn to someone? It's just like any other gift.

-Fursuits may turn you off, but so what? It harms no one. If they want to buy & wear one and can afford to then great. How is it wrong to have sex between to consenting adults?

-Any group has drama. Especially groups comprised of primarily teenagers/ young adults. Assumptions such as...? It's natural for us to assume things. It's how we get most of our information.

-Xenomit covered the bestiality part, so I'll reply to your response. "Everyone else is ignorant about furries, so I'm going to be an apologist who spares himself at the cost of demonizing the rest of the furries." You shouldn't feed into ignorance like that.

Lots of furries actually don't do it as jokes.

So buying porn is almost like a drug in a way.

When you pretty much whine for those gifts its different.

I got nothing wrong with consented sex between people, just don't wear oversized suits and post the vid on the internet.

You got a point there.

I guess your right.

Continued here because I'm on my PS3 and it has a painfully short character limit.

-You also said in a reply earlier that you hate when the media takes a few people and says the whole group is that way. You just did the same. A lot of what you said was extremely generalized and comprised of exclusively anecdotal evidence.

-I'd argue the main reasons furries are given a bad name are as follows:

~Intolerance. "Ew you like /what/?"

~Misinformation in the media. "I saw something on TV about a furry. He wore this creepy fursuit and then raped his dog and killed his best friend. What the fuck is wrong with those people?"

~Apologists who would feed into that ignorance instead of dispelling it. "Yeah, that's fucked up. I don't get why some furries do that. It's disgusting. I only like the art."


In a way I did but I didn't. You see I spread out my views on more then the *yiffing* ones the media loves to poke at.
Joke-able evidence? I've seen a lot of what I said in real life.


Fuck me, I need to proofread more.

Wait....I'm pretty normal....

also, @Karlu, I know every group has drama, but it seems a large number of furries seem to blow it waaaaay out of proportion. I have two 'friends' who's actions are attestant to that statement.

I could say something about that character you're using as an icon and page picture belonging to someone else, and someone else I've happened to see around a lot on another site I frequent.

@Tru. Anecdotal evidence. Though, I'm not debating the drama bit actually occurs. But I don't think it's because they're furries. Our age group is just more drama-filled.

@Furry. I said anecdotal. It means life experience. Pretend for a minute every girl you'd met was an asshole. If you extrapolated that to mean all or most of us were assholes you'd be using a highly flawed line of reasoning based on anecdotal evidence. The ones you meet aren't a random sample, nor are there enough to accurately extrapolate it onto others.

Yes you addressed more than the media did, but you used the same techniques such as anecdotes & over generalisation.

I'm not arguing that some furries don't seriously cyber publicly. But that's a subsect who are also exhibitionists. Not the majority.

I don't mean in an addiction way (though it can be). I mean if your world is crumbling around you & on your way to becoming homeless people tend to continue to live above their means to make the inevitable seem less likely. This is a common

Age group is more drama filled you say? That's a hit and miss for me. Most furries are highschool-adults. Drama-filled people are those in the younger grades of highschool. The ones higher up actually start to realize what is happening with all the drama around them. Also saying age group isn't a fair thing to say. Furries range from 12-45 or even higher as I've learned through the years.

I'm not over generalizing. I've seen all of the stuff I said first hand done by others.

thing for humans to do. Often without realizing they're doing it.

-Yeah, entitlement is a flaw. But not one unique to/ overly represented in furries.

-"just don't wear oversized suits and post the vid on the internet." But they /consented/ to do that. It's their kink. And you don't have to watch or participate any more than you would for 2g1c.

Also. Sorry for answering somewhat out of order. Sort of preoccupied. Also, also. Debates are fun. <3

But it's that kink that the media loves to blow out of proportion.

This debate is rather enjoyable at the moment.

you just cant take it to the next level :P

Dude I'm being serious. Fuck off.

So? Why tell them they can't/ shouldn't practice what they wan't because some people will take it the wrong way? If we went by that you'd be secretive about being a furry etc. and I'd be secretive about being a sadist etc. Better to inform than conform, no?

I know furries can be any age, but the people who both identify as a furry & are actively involved in the/ a furry community are primarily teens/ young adults. And that age group is extremely drama filled.

You know, how can people like you justify killing and eating animals, but not having sex with them? It just doesn't make much sense to me. Technically humans are animals too, so I guess anyone who has sex is automatically committing bestiality.

Who said I justify having sex with animals? Dude I wrote that I'm against it.

I /think/* textman is saying if you're okay with eating and killing animals you should be okay with fucking them. And then tried to use 'but humans are animals' to bastardize the definition of beastiality.

But this is your blog, your problem to deal with. Arguing with someone who'd rather muddy an otherwise potentially pleasant debate by deliberately altering an established definition to suit his purposes doesn't really interest me beyond the need to always be right.

*It's 2am and my ability to focus/ care has gone to shit.

My ability to focus and care left about 7 hours ago.

Fair enough.

i dont do fursuits, i dont spend tons of money on the art, and i dont try to kill or fuck animals, and here i am, a furry.

also, one of my friends found out that a recent study showed that there are more non-furries into bestiality than there are furries into it.

i would be asking the question 'why do people associate furries with bestiality in the first place anyway'. but thats just me.

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