I probably hate gays more than you and I'm praactically bisexual.
I believe in God anr I don't care what you believe.
We cool but I'm beginning to dislike most of your posts. Mostly the bbs ones.
Account under new management. Sup.
Age 35, Female
Manitoba, Canada
Joined on 11/27/08
I probably hate gays more than you and I'm praactically bisexual.
I believe in God anr I don't care what you believe.
We cool but I'm beginning to dislike most of your posts. Mostly the bbs ones.
Even though you hate gays, believe in god, and dislike my posts, I still think you're cool :3
Also I agree with the first comment.
lol people actually miss my furry porn posts.
I might have put that response as my sig if I had room.
maybe you should. ;3
"It doesn't bug me as long as you don't shove it down my throat"
That, that right there is why it bothers everyone. You're trying too hard to make sure everyone knows how straight you are. Just don't bring it up unless it's relevant. And enough with the 'straightest furry on NG'. It's ridiculously juvenile. You're straight, so what? You don't see me/ most others shoving our orientations down your throat.
Also, what Xee said. Creator thing had to come from somewhere. And in the big bang theory it doesn't claim that something came from nothing. Rather that the something was incredibly dense. Then it expanded. At least more or less. We don't know what, if anything, came before. But currently there's no something came from nothing.
As far as life goes, again something came from something. <a href="http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abiogenesis">http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abiogenesis</a>
Also, you should comment on my blog before I rape you. <3
I don't mean to shove it down your throats, it's all in innocent fun. You guys just take it too seriously. Also I feel more educated reading that link.
I find atheists/scientists cling to what they have the most evidence for and regard it as fact from then on. I feel this goes against our nature to question. Also its hypocritical for scienctists do so so because asking questions is what science and intelligence is about. Not exactly deciding what is truth and fact and pushing it upon others.
That's just a random thought. Not something against atheists. I don't like discussing religion or politics.
Neither do I.
I made room after that comment.
As I noticed!
But you don't even know what response I was referring to do ya. It don't matter.
Actually I did.
I have brownies. Jealous? <3
I got smarties in my brownies. Even baked them myself. Are YOU jealous?
I got reeses brownies.
I want reeses... :(
No. But these brownies suck. Just add water kind. ._.
Those kind really do suck.
*Hugs sleepily* D'you have a name?
*cuddles* mayyybeee.
I'm Jaclyn. You?
That's one of my favorite names. Your new nickname shall be Melissa.
Shush Melissa.
D'you like Little Shop of Horrors & Rocky Horror Picture Show?
I don't watch a lot of tv.
They're old movies.
Figures. I could never get into old movies anyway.
They're not that old. Watch them, they're really funny.
I'll think about it.
Not allowed to think.
I miss when you were a predictable furry and filled your news shit with porn.
So do I....