Wow those furries were determined.......
P.S. You should've linked....... :\
Account under new management. Sup.
Age 35, Female
Manitoba, Canada
Joined on 11/27/08
Wow those furries were determined.......
P.S. You should've linked....... :\
It was a long time ago and now I can't find any trace of it.
cases like these are usually the minority of the furries. im nowhere near that.
Ironically the haters tend have less of a grip on reality versus fantasy.
Wait you mean other furries did it? that seems odd. Theres always some assholes in any group but never heard of something like that before. Most furries do whatever they want with their fursona or murrsona whatever. They live and let live as I've seen. The most talkative ones I've known to be some of the most patient and tolerant people.
I'm patient and tolerant but only to a big breaking point.
Losing reality is not good. But at least you're only furries. Reality loss + loli/shota = disaster
that doesn't equal disaster. It equal something FAR WORSE.
Yes. Yes it is.
People would do that? No one is that stupid, I have faith in humanity.
I used to think people were smarter then this. Till I saw the photo online. I kinda wish I saved it to show you.